29.3 -15.4.2022
A three-week interdisciplinary project with teenagers from the Jugendpsychiatrie Kirchberg and Esch-sur-Alzette, organized by Fondation Eme, and in collaboration with Them Lights (music) and David Laplan (video), at Kulturfabrik Esch-sur-Alzette, Bâtiment4 and in the forest.
A music-dance-video project around the subject of climate breakdown and how our well-being and the health of the ecosystem are interrelated, workshopping through movement, voice, questions, writing and recording of soundscapes, of extracts of our writing and of lyrics on music tracks we crated together. We embody that music again, creating a choreography on it, and filming it.
The film will be screened the 14th of June 2022 at 19.00 at the Espace Découverte of the Philharmonie.
Article in L’Essentiel.lu: Un clip pour se découvrir en dépassant leur fragilité