April - November 2024
Research Project terre rouge, I listen with you into, deep time, and its possible futures (LU)

30 April - 8 May
Participation in the capsule, gatherers of imaginaries, a participatory filmmaking project by artists Nora Wagner and Kim El Ouardi (LU)

January- March 2024 
Finishing the choreographic music expansion and transformation - DYCP (develop your creative practice)project and report.


Performances of own work:

30 September 2023 
through sensuous landscapes, first iteration/sharing of our current research and creation project at Cercle Cité (LU), under the curation of Anastasia Chaguidouline

19 April 2023 
DJ Whimsy or what will the climate be like? A school performance at 10.00 and an evening performance at 20.00 at Le Centre Culturel Régional opderschmelz (LU)

Other projects:

February 2023 - February 2024 choreographic music expansion and transformation - DYCP (develop your creative practice)project thanks to an ACE (Arts Council of England) grant: a one year project developing my sound and musical practice in relation to my artistic and choreographic practice, working with various mentors such as Salome Voegelin, Eva Martinez, José Macabra, Arianna D'Amato, Nadine Rodilla and Dan Nicholls

24 October
Planet Future: die elf Kreaturen Screening and presentation of the video at CHNP and with Fondation EME

1 - 22 October
CHARCO, a choreographic project by Pepa Ubera, with residencies at Wainsgate Dances, at Sadler's Wells Theatre and at South East Dance, with performances at the latter on Saturday 21st of October at 7pm and Sunday 22nd at 2pm (U.K.)
9 August - 1 September
Planet Future: die elf Kreaturen a project with teenagers from the youth psychiatry Orangerie 3 (CNHP), with Fondation Eme, film-maker Julie Schroell and artist Aurélie D'Incau (LU) 


Performances of own work:

6 + 7 December 2022 
DJ Whimsy or what will the climate be like? première at the Grand Théâtre de la Ville de Luxembourg

5 November 2022 
DJ Whimsy or what will the climate be like? performance at Théâtre des Cordeliers in Annonay, France.

14 September 2022 at 14.30
DJ Whimsy or what will the climate be like? a sharing/open studio as part of OuDance, Finland

14th of June 2022 at 19.00 
Enchanted Entanglement film screening at the Espace Découverte of the Philharmonie

29 April 2022 at 18.30 
DJ Whimsy or what will the climate be like? sharing at la Fondation Biermans-Lapôtre in Paris

Residencies for own work:

26 September – 5 November 2022 
DJ Whimsy or what will the climate be like? A 6 week creative residency in Annonay, France, consisting of 4 weeks at the Chapelle Sainte-Marie followed by a 2-week technical residency at the Théâtre des Cordeliers

1 - 14 September 2022 DJ Whimsy or what will the climate be like? A 2 week residency at JoJo Oulu Dance Center in Finland 

16 April - 1 May 2022 
DJ Whimsy or what will the climate be like? A 2 week residency at Maison du Portugal in Paris

Other projects:

30 July 2022
Index of Shapes performance by Eduardo Navarro at the Welcome Collection (UK)

June / July 2022
Artist Archive at Siobhan Davies Studios with Moving On by Exit Map

5 + 12 June 2022
Moving on audio guide events by Exit Map - Amy Voris, Tania Soubry and Sara Ruddock - taking place in Beckenham Place Park, London and Boggart Hole Clough in Manchester

29 March - 15 April 2022
Enchanted Entanglement a project with teenagers from the youth psychiatry from the Hôpital Kirchberg and the Hôpital d'Esch-sure-Alzette with Fondation Eme, musician Them Lights and film-maker David Laplan at Kulturfabrik

9 January 2022
Moving On Composing With Climates, 1 hour audio guide for a personal movement practice outside alongside others, organised by Exit Map, London and beyond, from 11.30 GMT


Performances of own work:

2 July - 29 August 2021 
(Brave (K)New R/Wave) Listening Space installation at la Triennale Jeune Création at Casino, Forum d'Art Contemporain (LU)

4 March 2021 2021
soul-scapes at Centre Culturel Régional Opderschmelz (LU) at 10.30 and at 20.00 SET

3 February 2021
Down to Earth, an online performance as part of 1+1 au 3, at Trois C-L, from 12.30-21.00 SET

Other projects:

4 + 5 December 2021
Re-present Yourself, a 2 days workshop fascilitated together with Anastasia Chaguidouline and Nadina Faljic as part of Sticky Flames Exhibition at Casino Display (LU)

28 November + 5 December 2021
Moving On Composing With Climates, 1 hour audio guide for a personal movement practice outside alongside others, organised by Exit Map, London and beyond, from 11.30 GMT

17 July 2021 
Let's rave regenerative stories workshop as part of la Triennale Jeune Création at Rotondes (LU)

25 April + 2 May 2021 
Moving On Falling Into Spring, a 1.5 hours long audio guide for a personal movement practice outside alongside others, organised by Exit Map, London and beyond, from 11.00 GMT

17 + 24 January 2021 
Moving On Fiction, a 1.5 hours long audio guide for a personal movement practice outside alongside others, organised by Exit Map, London and beyond, from 12.00 GMT

Performances/Projects as performer:

28 + 30 May 2021
Charco by Pepa Ubera at Arts Studio in Hampstead

12 + 13 August 2021
Save Our Salmon - dance video by Nicole Caodie for 38 Degrees at Paddington in front of M&S


Performances of own work:

14 September 2020 
Brave (K)New R/Wave at Uferstudio Berlin, at 20.30 in studio 9

26 June – 30 August 2020
Brave (K)New R/Wave installation and performance at la Triennale Jeune Création 2020 (LU)>> due to Covid-19 this has been postponed to 2.07 - 29.08.21 >> https://www.bravenewworldorder.lu/about

2 April 2020 
soul-scapes at Centre Culturel Régional Opderschmelz (LU) at 10.30 am and at 20.00 pm >> due to Covid-19 this has been postponed to the 4.03.21 

29 February 2020 
Brave (K)New R/Wave performance as part of Together We Are at The Green Nunhead, London

Residencies for own work:

3 August - 14 September 2020 
Brave (K)New R/Wave residency at Uferstudio Berlin

Performances as performer and/or choreographic collaborator:

21 November 2020
Borealis, choreography and performance for a project by Kimatica Studio at Watermans Arts Center. Performances will be live streamed from Twitch and Facebook at 4pm, 5pm and 6pm

8 and 9th of May 2020
Transcendence by Kimatica Studio at Upsala Festival, Sweden >> cancelled due to Covid19


Performances of own work:

3 October 2019
Brave (K)New Rave research project at Trois C-L, Luxembourg

19 September 2019 
Brave (K)New Rave  research project at Lubleski Teatr Tańca, Lublin, Poland

16 February 2019
Brave (K)New Rave  research project at Community Open Day Nunhead, at the Green, London, UK

Residencies for own work:

23 September - 2 October 2019
Brave (K)New Rave  residency at Trois C-L, Luxembourg
6-20th September 2019
Brave (K)New Rave  residency at Lubleski Teatr Tańca, at the Cultural Centre in Lublin, Poland
12-23 August 2019 
Brave (K)New Rave  residency at The Green Nunhead, London
27 June - 1 July 20019
Brave (K)New Rave  residency at  Folkestone Dance,UK

Performances as performer and/or choreographic collaborator:

4 June 2019
MissHernia at Battersea Art's Centre, London, UK
12 February 2019
Stone Draggers by Laura Wilson, as part of the launch for the Bloomsbury Theatre


Performances of own work:

20 October 2018
Brave (K)New Rave  N.1 at Alerte face à l'événement at Atelier D by DKollektiv, Dudelange (LU): http://dkollektiv.org/index.php/category/events/
16 June 2018 
soul-scapes at Trip Space, London (UK): http://www.tripspace.co.uk/event/232/trip-the-light-summertime/, https://www.facebook.com/events/782315345312486/
19-22 April 2018
soul-scapes at Trois C-L, as part of Émergences, Luxembourg: http://www.danse.lu/creations/2018-2/soul-scapes-tania-soubry-catherine-elsen/
11 April 2018
soul-scapes at Cercle Cité, as part of Émergences, Luxembourg

Performances as performer and/or choreographic collaborator:

28-30 September, 4,5+13 October, 14 November, 8+9 December 2018
Fake Better within the exhibition Celebration Factory by Filip Markiewicz at Casino Luxembourg/Forum d'art contemporain http://www.casino-luxembourg.lu/fr/Expositions/CELEBRATION-FACTORY
9+10 November 2018
The Shakes (Taranta Project) by Simonetta Alessandri in Derry, Ireland
12 + 13 September 2018
Transcendence with Kimatica Studio at Waterman Art's Centre, London: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/transcendence-a-multi-sensory-journey-through-the-subconscious-tickets-49567995208?internal_ref=login
12 July 2018 
Transcendence with Kimatica Studio at EVA London 2018 conference: http://www.eva-london.org/eva-london-2018/
31 May + 1 June 2018
Transcendence with Kimatica Studio at the Ugly Duck for Flux Events, London: http://www.fluxevents.co.uk
12 May 2018
Transcendence with Kimatica Studio at Splice Festival at Richmix, London: http://www.splicefestival.com/saturday-12th-may/
25 April 2018
Undo with Vedanza at Tufa, Trier: http://www.tufa-trier.de/33.html?&no_cache=1&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=4266

Residencies for own work:

29 January - 13 February and 12-23 March 2018
Residency for soul-scapes creation at Trois C-L, Luxembourg

Projects as performer and/or choreographic collaborator:

3-10 October 2018
Residency for The Shakes (Taranta Project) by Simonetta Alessandri in Derry, Ireland
3-13 September 2018
Residency for Transcendence R&D as choreographer and dancer with Kimatica Studio at Waterman Art's Centre, London
4 June 2018
Dancing in the Music Video of No more Secrets by " Lunar and the Deception", shot by Samuel Thomas


Performances of own work:

3 March 2017
soul-scapes at Trois C-L, Luxembourg: link

Performances as performer and/or choreographic collaborator:

16, 17 and 20 December 2017 
Undo with Vedanza at the Theatre National du Luxembourg:  link
4 November 2017
Borealis with Kimatica Studio at Lansdown Club, London
28 October 2017
Day of the Dead with Kimatica Studio at Torture Garden, London: link
3-6 August 2017
Hypernature with Kimatica Studio at Wilderness Festival, England: link
1 July 2017
Transcendence with Kimatica Studio at Breaking Conventions, London: http://www.breakingconvention.co.uk
29 Juin- 1July 2017
100 Years After Brexit with Zootrophic at New River Studios, London: https://www.facebook.com/events/301999500249931/?hc_location=ufi
8 April 2017
Repères / Day of Performance / Tribute to Bert Theis in collaboration with Robert Hall, Place de l'Europe, Luxembourg: link
25 March 2017
Live Room Series 8 Performance at Vedanza, Luxembourg: link


2-7 January and 25 February-3March 2017
soul-scapes residency at Trois C-L, Luxembourg
13-24 November 2017
soul-scapes  creation at Trois C-L, Luxembourg

Projects as performer and/or choreographic collaborator:

10 November - 15 December 2017
Undo with Vedanza at the Theatre National du Luxembourg and Vedanza: http://vedanza.org/undo-creation-at-tnl-luxembourg-premiere-16-and-17-20-dec-2017/
2 Juin 2017
Performative/movement direction for the video Shears For Tears by Jose Macabra : https://www.facebook.com/dirgeart/
24-30 June 2017
Transcendence R&D as choreographer and dancer with Kimatica Studio, London: http://kimatica.net
12-17 June, 6-8 October 2017 and ongoing
Rehearsals for The Shakes (Taranta Project) by Simonetta Alessandri at LABAN and Goldsmiths, London
4-13 May 2017
Voice and Movement Research Project with Aloun Marchal at the Briquetterie, Paris: https://maaloun.wordpress.com
27 April - 1 May 2017
Creation (as choreographer and dancer) and filming of Stream artist/dance video by Negar Bahardoust aka Queen of the Wild, London: http://www.queenofthewild.com


December 2016 - April 2017
Teaching year 1-6 at the Conservatoire de la ville de Luxembourg: http://www.conservatoire.lu


Performances of own work:

2 July 2016
 beat'n'shine at MUDAM's 10th Anniversary, Luxembourg: http://www.mudam.lu/fr/accueil/
3 March 2016
 soul-scapes at Trois C-L, Luxembourg: https://www.facebook.com/events/1556212568004600/
10 February 2016
 soul-scapes at the Colchester Arts Centre, UK: http://www.colchesterartscentre.com/events/performance/conway-cohort-colchester-mix/

Performances as performer and/or choreographic collaborator:

17 December 2016
Live Room Series 5 Performance at Vedanza, Luxembourg: link
4 November 2016
Exit Map Presents: Poly-ticks and Ridiculous Copernicus": a double bill performance by Exit Map at Chisenhale Dance Space: link
28 May 2016
Taranta Project by Simonetta Alessandri at Trip Space: http://www.tripspace.co.uk
10 February 2016
Social Dance with the Conway Collective at the Colchester Arts Centre, UK: http://www.colchesterartscentre.com/events/performance/conway-cohort-colchester-mix/
3 February 2016
Social Dance with the Conway Collective at the Conway Hall, London: https://www.facebook.com/events/720805021354811/


12-20/9 and 19-24/12/2016
soul-scapes Residency at Trois C-L, Luxembourg
September 2015- February 2016
Artists' Support Programme at the Conway Hall in Holborn, London

Projects as performer and/or choreographic collaborator:

15+16 May 2016
Creation and filming of dance video Mnemonic by Ingrid Munk Plum, Brighton, UK


14 April 2016: 19.30-21.00
Contemporary Soul Groove Workshop at White Hart Studios: http://whitehartstudios.blogspot.lu/p/come-spend-evening-with-some-of-best.html
14 March 2016: 19.00-21.00
Contemporary Soul Groove Workshop at the Conway Hall, London: https://www.facebook.com/events/940345806034398/
29 February - 4 March 2016: 10.00-11.30
Professional Dance Class at Trois C-L Luxembourg: http://www.danse.lu/formation/classes-professionnelles/
13 + 14 February 2016: 11.00 and 13.30
Contemporary Soul Groove Workshops for kids 5+ and parents at the Mini Vault Festival  https://www.facebook.com/minivaultfestival/
11 January 2016: 19.00-21.00
Contemporary Soul Groove at the Conway Hall, London: https://www.facebook.com/events/827849507337395/
Ongoing: every Tuesday 17.00-18.30
Contemporary Soul Groove Workshop at the Stretch at Goldsmiths, London: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1691158384435371/
Ongoing Dance Teaching at Edmund Waller School (New Cross), for the Progress Department at City Lit and for Aim High Dance Academy


Performances of own work:

3 September 2015
shaman.me.bumPrototype II,  Royaumont: http://www.royaumont.com/fr/autour-d-herve-robbe-prototypeII-septembre2015/presentation
7 May 2015
beat'n'shine Performance as part of Filip Markievicz's exhibition opening at the Venice  Biennale: http://www.paradisolussemburgo.lu 
1 April 2015
soul-scapes,  Conway Hall, London: https://www.facebook.com/events/490690011069437/
11 March 2015
soul-scapes,  Conway Hall, London: https://www.facebook.com/events/1642929365935981/
11 February 2015
beat'n'shine,  Conway Hall, London

Performances as performer and/or choreographic collaborator:

9 December 2015
Launch, with Exit Map at the Conway Hall, London: https://www.facebook.com/events/149614365396577/?ref=22&feed_story_type=22&action_history=null
11 November 2015
Launch, with Exit Map at Cockpit Theatre, London: https://vimeo.com/145087605
4 November 2015
Social Dance with the Conway Collective at the Conway Hall, London: https://www.facebook.com/events/926769890726751/
3 November 2015
Fascia with Vedanza in Trois C-L  Luxembourg: https://www.facebook.com/events/973712682692793/
5 October 2015
Freak by My Johansson at Highfest International Performing Arts Festival in Yerevan, Armenia: http://highfest.am
26 September 2015
Stupid Women by Wendy Houston, Place Theatre, London: http://www.theplace.org.uk/wendy-houstoun-1
3 September 2015
September is back by Aloun Marchal, Prototype II,  Royaumont: http://www.royaumont.com/fr/autour-d-herve-robbe-prototypeII-septembre2015/presentation
14, 15, 16 August 2015
Kimatica at Boom town, UK: http://www.boomtownfair.co.uk/city-guide/street-theatre-and-circus/kimatica
11 July 2015
Simulacrum with Kimatica at Breaking Conventions 2015, London: http://kimatica.net
4 April 2015
Earth Makes No Sound performance with Filament Theatre and Goldsmiths Vocal Ensemble (plus members of The Roundhouse Choir) part of Southbank's Chorus festival: https://www.facebook.com/events/1642929365935981/
21 March 2015
Rewind It- Part II by Fernanda Munoz-Newsome, at Trip Space, London: https://www.facebook.com/events/1404931829820581/permalink/1410313999282364/https://www.facebook.com/events/1404931829820581/permalink/1410313999282364/


October 2014 – May 2015 and September 2015- February 2016
Conway Hall Artists' Support Programme starting my research on soul-scapes, in Holborn: https://www.facebook.com/conwaycollective/
October 2014- September 2015
Choreographic research and composition programme entitled Prototype II, Vocal presence in choreographic scores, at Royaumont, in France: http://www.royaumont.com/fr/prototype-ii-2014-2015-la-presence-vocale-dans-la-partition-choregraphique